

When a coverup is a dress, and a dress is a coverup... Lately I spend the majority of my time in studios, without windows, producing music for hours and hours. I live in Los Angeles, so once a week I try to make it to the beautiful beaches of the Pacific Ocean to try to relax. I fell in love with this Elif By Jordan Taylor Side Wrap Tank Dress that I wore to brunch and then hanging out on the beach. While reading at the beach I came across the announcement of the launch of Tidal. Jay-Z's new music service combining High Fidelity Sound Quality, High Def music videos, and a curated Editorial. After reading this article and being a music producer myself I have to say that I can't wait to join the wave! Please check out Billboard's interview with Jay-Z (who rarely does interviews) after the pics...   

Dress: Elif by Jordan Taylor, Shoes: Gucci, Necklace: Nasty Gal

Check out Jay-Z's Interview Here: Jay Z Talks Tidal, Jimmy Iovine, Rewriting the Music Business Rulebook